Friday, 12 October 2018

Unity Tutorial 02

Unity Tutorial

C# Coding

At the beginning of this tutorial i was stuck on importing standard assets. It took me a day to figure it out.

As for this part of tutorial what I've learnt was making a first person character, learn how to make trees/ grass. Being able to edit their movements such as speed.

I enjoyed making the gem a lot, adding sound makes the object more interesting. Using visual studio to do the coding was very tricky as you have to get all the codes right. I had a little problem with adding the C# to the gem folder as the script was unable to add to unity.

Editing a Gem


For this part of tutorial I've learned how to make an object into things such walls, stones and  water to the scene and edit them as i like. The process doing so was at a very slow pace. I had a problem with adding water and dropping down a slope. I've tried to hold shift and click but nothing happened.

Changing the bumpiness on the wall gives it a more realistic look.

What I'm looking forward to the next tutorial is adding more scenes, making new things and how can i improve on myself.

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